Monday, August 31, 2009
[ 一 个 重 要 日 子 的 前 夕 ]
上 网 和 你 聊 天
我 们 都 发 觉
信 息 对 我 们 来 说 是 没 有 帮 助 增 加 感 情
因 为 我 们 两 个
都 试 过 拿 着 电 话
但 不 知 道 要 回 对 方 什 么
我 们 比 较 适 合 见 面 沟 通 的 一 对
惨 了
怎 么 办 ?
如 果 我 们 都 不 得 空 出 来 见 面
长 期 不 见 面
我 们 会 有 什 么 下 场 。 。 。
唉 ~
暂 时 我 们 都 没 有 想 到 任 何 方 法
继 续 谈 天 吧
讲 到 关 于 公 路 的 趣 事
你 说 你 坐 车 很 容 易 呕
可 以 呕
但 别 车 载 走 你 开 窗 就 呕
后 面 车 子 会 遭 殃 ~
你 的 呕 吐 物 都 会 黏 在 跟 随 在 后 面 车 的 车 镜
哈 哈 ~ 这 时 的 你 听 到 后 哈 哈 大 笑 !
还 说 我 想 象 力 很 丰 富 ! =P
说 着 说 着
很 晚 了
老 婆 累 了
去 oi 咯
好 想 念 你 叫 我 oi 的 时 候 [ 很 特 别 的 ] XD
你 睡 了
webcam开 着
我 看 着 你 睡 着
手 很 自 然 地 去 抚 摸 荧 幕 中 的 你
老 婆
我 真 的 好 想 你 ! ! !
已 经 习 惯 有 你 在 我 身 边 了 。 。
[ 6 天 ]
我 都 在 老 婆 家 住
哈 哈
为 什 么 ?
因 为 老 婆 放 假
我 又 放 假
所 以 我 就 去 她 家 咯
和 她 在 一 起 的 一 个 星 期
真 的 好 开 心
时 间 过 得 真 的 很 快
今 天 她 送 我 到 火 车 站
我 们 都 好 不 舍 得 对 方
这 一 个 星 期 和 你 度 过 的
虽 然 很 多
但 我 不 会 忘 记
有 你 的 画 面 我 都 一 一 存 了 起 来
洗 不 掉 的 回 忆
轻 轻 抚 摸 着 你 的 头 发
看 你 睡 着 后
偷 偷 亲 吻 你 的 脸 颊 XD
你 房 间 的 冷 气 service 后 超 冷 的
晚 上 睡 觉 的 时 候 我 们 都 躲 在 被 里 抱 在 一 起 睡 觉
互 相 温 暖 对 方
连 续 6 天 起 身
睁 开 眼 睛
第 一 个 看 见 的 就 是 你 =)
两 个 早 上 起 来 嘴 巴 臭 臭
还 是 要 亲 来 亲 去
你 的 睡 像 还 不 赖 嘛 =P
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dinner with Teddy Hann !!!
We have a nice day at midvalley ^___^, hapi to meet a new fren .. her name is teddy Hann!!
i meet Hann's ex today, her name is Wern ~ I wish to noe her , but she seems so cool.. Sigh ~
Let me introduce ... Hann is my dear's brother ^^ !!! very good brother tim ~ dear bring me to meet his brother , do u noe how much it mean to me?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
My dear sister Lily birthday ~
I wanted to bring my dear go ... but she cant go back late... so ... haiz ~~~~
V went for steamboat lehx ... the stupid oil keep on piak me T_____T
See my dear Lily 笑得几灿烂!!
See the way she " Fa Hao " ( cantonese )... In car lehx !! wont dizzy de mehx??? Beh tahan =_=''
I also Hiao ~ coz nth to do jor ... she keep on use my camera ... i snatch back ... wakakakak !!!! ><
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
DEAR !!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Kajang Metropoint ....
The best moment Ev3r
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
VOLTAGE 2400 zAp !
我们在Sunway Pyramid拍照片,Starbuck外面,因为我要抽烟嘛……就托老公,可爱的Angie和亲爱的Shi Ting出去咯……
出到外面,我看着老公,Shi ting 叫我们不要动,说要拍这个post^___^ 真的很好看列……
Shi ting, i promote u to be a photographer, you will be better than nicholas... im sure ^___^ ... support support !! HooHOoo...
Sue Ann 早回家了T___T, 跟本没有机会跟她拍照,今天的Sue Ann很漂亮哦!! 脸带点红红的……看到好像化妆了……可爱到~~可惜她早回家了,不然我抓她来拍照片……呜呜呜……
我的好姐妹,Shi Ting抓相机……很美列!!Angie 就是白白的那个拉,身材很好的哦!前撞人后载人!可惜不知为什么躲在后面,让我献丑了…… T_____T
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunway Pyramid ><
Time Square >.<
My dearest dear bring her watch for battery change... battery went out quite a few days, i remember she told me b4 ... And guess wad ... I brought both of us a hp's accessories... v both have the same taste ^__^ nice ... She put my name , n i put hers...
This is my dear's
This is mine
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
今天早上我在考试的当中,好紧张……考试一完毕,我就跟巧恩去吃早餐……因为时在太饿了,妈妈啊!拿我的命咩……什么烂考试,时间地点都选到那么烂……人家的脑袋还在死沉沉的当中,你就拿着枪指着他叫他起身做工!! 什么老师来的==……
老公,我们问心无愧……我们加油,走下去……为了我们自己,我陪在你身边……有什么东西我们一起面对……相信对方……没有人能分开我们……我们要人家对我们刮目相看!! 我爱你……
Sunday, August 9, 2009
宝贝告诉我说他跟住在附近的朋友出去,那时我好担心阿!! 几怕你又喜欢人家了……结果你哄我,跟我分析厉害,说只是朋友,好久没见面,所以出去吃些东西……那我只好不打扰你了拉,既然你跟朋友出去,你也该有私人空间……
我 太的空没有东西做,就开老公的facebook看看,结果我看到他跟eunice的照片!!劳工自己说没有抱着,没有亲密动作我才给你出去拍得 T____T,结果不什么鬼都有,你跟我解释,我气到血管爆炸了,哪里还会理智听你说!! 我从第一张看到最后一张,一面一面看,我的血管一条条爆……老公,你想我死是吗?我受不了了,你问我是不是吃醋,我否认……我不理你了,我甚至关机了…… 不想回复你……
TING (^(00)^)
我打电话问婷的意见,她说叫我给老公些时间证明,我答应了给她两天的时间……不然的话我就闹分手……我受不了了!人家还问我是不是第三者……妈的!!! 什么第三者,我吊你就够哦!!!
老 公察觉到不对路,快飞回家删除了那些照片,还一直播我的电话,可是我关机了……老公很怕,很担心……可是你活该!! 笨蛋!! 讨厌你到要命==……那么来伤害我哦,是不是活该?老公跟我保证,他的心里只有我,心里的位置已经没位置给任何人……可是老公阿,我也很怕阿……所以才会 那么担心……你明白吗?我很在意你……你的任何一举一动,可以带动我的情绪,我的喜怒哀乐……
老 公为了证明给我看,她是爱我的,她blog了她对我的感觉……我的电话突然收到,奉写给我的信息……她问我的话语名字是什么……同时我不知道要怎么回答 她,我就打电话问ray,ray不爽我,问我为什么不要跟奉说实话?我怎么说?她要考试了,而且老公说她们没在一起,那你要我怎么说?你要我数敏的坏话? 我做不出这些东西……ray说他不介意作坏人,可惜我不会让你做坏人……别傻了……我没办法要这样隐瞒下去了,只好叫奉自己问问老公看她想怎样……结果她 们做回朋友……我知道奉很伤心,我也尽量陪在你身边……除了这样我不知道还能怎样……同时我跟ray彻底翻脸……没朋友做,我也不介意了……我选择了,就 负责到底……
Saturday, August 8, 2009
我今天都忘记我们在一起一周了列~好快~ 总是觉得时间过得特别快~尤其是和宝贝在一起的日子,宝贝信息我祝我们一周快乐,我当时傻笑了……因为我从没感觉我的生活那么多姿多彩,那么开心……跟你在一起的日子好舒服……
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
first present for u my dearest....
today i go out with dear ... go sunway pyramid watch movie ... very nice, the movie got so many SEXY girl girl ... my saliva can filled a 2 L bottle ...wakakaka.... very nice .. romantic.... is about a guy which flirts alot until he forgot wad he reli wants... he was visited by 3 ghost tat night.. sum short memories was brought back by those ghost... they bring him to the past n future ... he found wad he want, and do wadever he can to avoid those bad future and start from the begining to be a very responsible man and give his beloved a very truthful touching was tat...
dear bring me to meet his friends... there are few i Love very much ... which are angie,shi ting and sue ann... sue ann so cute... shi ting is a reflection of me, topics and taste n sense also the same,a very nice fren...angie is a very cute person, she has a very nice skin which i damn admire T_____T ... she is quite funny n also very nice .... i thought i will have a gap between them ,but unexpected im quite close with them nowadays .. hahaha.. left is shi ting, right is angie ... cute lehx ?
i saw dear's ex, her name is eunice.. a very fair girl n beautiful girl...she had her belly button today, i heard tat she pierced coz of my dear ... i wonder y she done tat == wad so big deal piercing a belly button?? well i did have 1,but i pierce it for nice ...i dont know her much ... coz v didnt spoke ...
i brought 2 necklace to my dear... im glad she like it ... it cost around RM 300 for both of it.. but worth lahx ~ he wear until very yeng zai ^__^ see le also hapi ... muackss my dear .... wish u keep it forever o ! today is the first time my dear hold my hand , so tight ... so warm... is also the first kiss v had each other .... so nice, she say my lips soft =___='' but ur lips also soft !!! makes me wanna kiss again n again ... DEAR !!! i miss ur kissssssss....muack muacksz
Monday, August 3, 2009
Jealousy Booster
B4 take Picture
U r going to take picture with eunice ... juz a model for nicholas's production ... but i wonder y he wanna choose u n enunice... he knows u both break up d, but y he still wanna make tis situation so weird n uncomfortable.. moroever i had coupled with u ... my dearest....
I wanted to see u so badly... i felt the mood of taking KTM to the photo taking destination... u told me dun come, coz im sick... but i reli wanted to go , not because the partner is eunice, is because i wanted to see u... tatz all... u asked me... am i so worried of u n eunice? i answer u i wanted to go c u,not because i worry u n eunice... u asked me again, yes or no ... the first time i sms u, i wanted to break up with ... the first time i called ur whole name .... i damn damn fired up ...
u appolgize wad u said juz now .. u told me is because u worry of my illness n dont want me to go... u scare they'll change place,mayb walk alot and weather is hot during the photo taking period...i accepted...
My own
my dear... i noe how hot is out there , i duno do u enjoy taking picture with her... but i the only thing i can say is i reli worry ur healthy... is noon !! the sun must be shining down above ur head... u'll get sick ... u cant keep on drinking water don't u? u always scare u'll grew darker n also keep sweating.. but now u ignore all those things, juz to be a pro model... i wonder coz of wad?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The first day I with u
So many things happen in 1 shot...=___=''... kinda tired handling it ... in the first place v were trying to help each other to couple with another 1... but in the end v couple our own =___=''
Now What?
i reli have no idea wad im goin to do next... u told me u didnt couple with her .. but she told me she couple with u, juz dint take hold hands... 0____o ... who should i believe? But still, she is my fren ... she noes u first... wad am I? how can i couple with u?
U comfort Me...
u told me tat... v both arent wrong in the way of love... mayb v r wrong in moral.... ya... mayb v r wrong... i pull out myself toward ray after i noe my feeling towards u... u told me u r flirting with her ... erm...too over le bahx =___=''
STOP !!!
I told u not to hurt her... coz her exam is coming soon... u promised me... but u ignore her, didnt reply her msg much n rejected her invitation on saturday's dating.... I noe u feel very miserable too... u also dun wanna hurt her , i noe u r soft hearted.... i noe is very hard for u ... but u r so insists tat this kind of relationship will stop ... u insist to do tis juz bcoz u wan me to feel safe with u ...
i appreciate those things u done for me ... reli ! im so sorry tat i cant do anything to help u ... u act a bad person juz to protect me ... i will repay ... i promise ... i wont let ppl hurt u anymore... dont ever 1 think about it .... my lovely 1.. thanks (hug)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
~The first day i met u ~
With ? Chai Hong , Ray , Foong
Why ? U guys wanna shopping ...
I waited u guys for hald n hour... reli beh song ><.. but when i saw u guys in KFC , so yeng ... my heart melted><>Hm.. first impression towards u was ..
SO TALL !!! so yeng ~ juz like a boy ... not like a girl at all ... the way u walk n sit ...
U got lover le ... the girl is foong T____T ... so dun wan kacau u both ... im helping u both in the relationship... n tat moment i like ray =__='' swt ...
Harsh day for me ...
I duno how to walk out from sungai wang to TS ... few turns of monorails... I was so C2p... aiks ... But luckly i met u all... Foong n Me are frens .. quite close now ..i like her smoothness n patience...